Found in translation

Saturday 02 November 2019, 11:30
Coronet Theatre, Studio

A creative translation workshop with Livia Franchini.
Found in translation is a hands-on, stimulating workshop that challenges the notion of a distance between creative writing and translation, bridging the gap with group exercises and literary play. Poking fun at the idea of the writer as ‘solitary genius’, this workshop will get you writing collectively in a range of literary styles, exploring the ways in which writers, translators and readers alike can come together in language, celebrate diversity, and communicate beyond cultural and national boundaries. Just bring a notebook, a pen, and your passion for words.

No specific language skills are required to attend this workshop, except for a good working knowledge of English.

Running time: 120 minutes.

The maximum number of participants is 30.


Livia Franchini

is a writer and translator from Tuscany, Italy. She has translated Michael Donaghy, Sam Riviere and James Tiptree Jr. among many others. Her first poetry pamphlet, Our Available Magic was published by Makina Books in 2019; her debut novel, Shelf Life, is out now with Doubleday in the UK, and forthcoming with Mondadori in Italy. She teaches creative writing and runs workshops at Goldsmiths University and City Literature Institute.